You will receive search results based on your specific search criteria. Each result will show availability, rate, location and contact information, unless the hotel is offline. You can filter the results based on any additional requirements, such as the hotel amenities and features. Hotel Booker allows you to view your results on a map if the location is a crucial requirement.
Enter your search criteria and press Search. You will be shown a list of relevant hotels.
If you simply put a city name, your location will be from the centre of that city.
The rate of the hotel is displayed next to the name of the hotel.
To view different available rates at one hotel, select Check Availability for a list of all available rates.
Alternatively, click the Hotel Name to open the hotel page to sort the rates using different sorting options.
If a hotel returns No Online Availability, this can be the result of a property being full, unavailable or not featuring in the GDS. This will require a manual booking if you wish to proceed further.