Guide Rates are often displayed when there is no live/online availability provided. The guide rate for a hotel is indicative of rates recently achieved at the property. The actual rate available when confirming a reservation with the hotel may differ.
On Request indicates that a booking has been placed/requested offline and the hotel is not yet aware of the reservation. The hotel must be contacted directly before the requested booking can be confirmed by entering the reference number provided by the hotel.
A Provisional Cancellation is an Offline Booking with a request to be cancelled. To process a Provisional Cancellation, the hotel must be contacted directly and the cancellation confirmed. A Provisional Cancellation can also be undone and reconfirmed as an Active Booking.
Hotel Booker is best used with one of the following browsers; Edge 81+, Google Chrome 84+, Firefox 76+, Safari 8+ or Opera 15+.
For security reasons, your session with Hotel Booker is set to time out after 20 minutes of inactivity. When this occurs, you will be forced to log back in before continuing. This measure is in place to prevent other people using your account.
Travel Policy settings can be configured using the Agency Admin Tool provided with Hotel Booker Professional. This can be opened by clicking the Agency Admin link in the Tools menu located in the top right corner of hotel booker. Once the application is open, all Travel Policy settings can be maintained in the Travel Policy section.
Hotel Administration can be carried out using the Agency Admin Tool provided with Hotel Booker Professional. This can be accessed in the Tools menu of Hotel Booker under Agency Admin. In the Hotel Admin section of the tool, hotels and hotel groups can be set as Preferred.
A hotel or hotel group can be blocked using the Agency Admin Tool provided with Hotel Booker Professional. This tool can be accessed in the Tools menu of Hotel Booker, under Agency Admin. To block a group or hotel, use the Hotel Admin section.
You can request a hotel be added to the Conferma Pay system using the Support section within Hotel Booker. Click the Support tab at the top of the page, then select Add a new hotel to the Conferma Pay system from the drop down. Here you can enter all the information Conferma Pay requires for a new property. Once added, Conferma Pay will review the details and notify you of the hotel’s activation.
Quick Book hotels can be configured in the Agency Admin Tool provided with Hotel Booker. The Quick Book list can be set to either display hotels that are Most Booked, or a specific list can be customised as a subset of Preferred Hotels. This can be done in the View Preferred Hotels/Groups section of the application.