We're collaborating with Thrust Carbon to deliver real insight on the emissions challenges in the business travel world.
Our new carbon reporting system will measure the environmental impact of business trips based on payment data from virtual cards.
How does this work?
Conferma Pay sends travel related data to our trusted third-party emissions calculators, the first of which is Thrust Carbon. They in turn send back a CO2 value for the individual travel elements which we then collect and make visible to our customers.
How is it reported to clients?
The Mobile Application v4.7 release (currently scheduled for June/July) will include graphics.
We are reviewing the best way to make the reporting data available within other Conferma Pay reporting platforms. We hope to conclude this review by the end of the calendar year.
The initial offering is utilising data collected from May 2022 onwards. However, there is scope to backdate data to previous years if customers request it.
What information is used and reported on?
Conferma Pay sends anonymous deployment details for Flights and Hotel stays to Thrust Carbon, who return a carbon value.
How would a client look to engage for this to be active?
We would expect our TMC clients to canvass their corporate customers and engage with their Conferma Pay contacts to discuss the best way to deliver this service.
How does this work with client and multiple card pools?
This service will operate in the same way as our standard SNAP reporting for customers who have access to multiple card pools.