An Invoice is the manual input of an invoice breakdown. This enables you to capture a breakdown of spend and taxes for reporting purposes.
A Document is the actual attachment or copy of an image of the invoice provided by the supplier.
Invoice Reminders are generated from the transactions. Where a transaction is received but not reconciled, this will appear on the Invoice Reminders list.
If the tolerances of the deployment permit it is possible for the supplier to charge a card for a cancelled booking.
If the invoice reminders are sent through Conferma Connect, if there is an override in place this will be applied when the communication is sent. This will not be reflected on the front end as only the entered value is displayed.
How long are Documents kept in SNAP?
Document image data is kept for 2 years. If you need a copy of an Document that is over 2 years old, please contact the supplier directly.
What shall I do if I can't find a Document?
Please contact the supplier directly for a copy of the Document.
Conferma Pay uses two different methods to auto match documents to deployments depending on the configuration of your virtual card account.
To check which method of auto matching your account is configured with please visit the Conferma Pay Setup Portal.
Optical Character Recognition software: Documents submitted to SNAP can be subjected to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to automatically match the document to the relevant deployment based on the data contained in the document such as Invoice References, Check-In and Check-Out Dates
Unique Email: Because a unique email address is generated for each deployment. The system auto matches any documents received at each unique email to the corresponding deployments.
Use this option if you wish to upload a copy of a receipt that you have received directly from a supplier, or an invoice breakdown in a delimited file.
To upload a receipt select Choose File, and locate the image or PDF you would like to upload, then select Upload. Once uploaded you can select Options and link the document to a Deployment or Invoice, or delete the document.
Delimited files of Invoice Breakdown can have comma, tab, semicolon, colon or vertical bar as the column delimiter. The most commonly used are comma separated values (.csv) files.
Before the invoice data can be uploaded, you will need to use the drop down lists to match the Conferma Pay Snap Invoice fields with those found within the file. To do this simply select the data item or item name from each drop down list that corresponds with the label shown next to it. Once all dropdowns are chosen select Process file.