Frequently asked questions about creating virtual cards as a Team Member in the Conferma App. If you need help creating cards as a Corporate Administrator, click here.
Your Corporate Administrator controls the maximum amount of credit (total amount of money) and the maximum number of virtual cards you can create in any 24 hour period. If you normally have the appropriate access to create cards, but are currently unable to create them, contact your Corporate Administrator for more information on the limits applied to your account.
If you have not exceeded any pre-configured limits, there may be a connectivity issue with the banking partner Conferma Pay connects to, if this is the case, please try again later.
When you create an eCommerce virtual card, you should set the amount and currency to the exact amount you expect to pay your supplier.
For Digital Wallet cards, a per-diem (daily) amount is pre-configured by your administrator. This daily amount is automatically assigned when you create a virtual card, and you won't be given the option to enter an amount.
You will only be able to create a new card in the app if you have been granted access to do this. If you do not have access to create a card, your finance team or an approved person in your company will need to create the card for you.