To enable Orchestration and configure an Orchestration Admin, contact Conferma support.
Orchestration allows you to configure rules for deployments.
You can create multiple rules to work alongside each other as long as the parameters that you set are compatible.
For example, you could create both a redirect and a block rule for the same Card Pool with the following parameters:
Amount threshold: 50
Amount threshold: 100
If you tried to deploy a card with a value equal to or greater than 50 the card would be redirected to another specified Card Pool.
If you tried to deploy a card with a value equal to or greater than 100 the card would be blocked.
Select the Orchestration module from the navigation banner.
Click Create new rule.
Enter a Routing rule name.
Select the Original Card Pool.
Enter the Rule parameters.
Select the Rule type.
Select the Rule status.
Click Save and then click Confirm.
Route Types
You can configure the following Route types:
Redirect—re-route deployments that meet the parameters to another Card Pool
Load Balance—redirect deployments that meet the parameters to multiple Card Pools, weighted by a percentage
Block—prevent deployments that meet the parameters from being issued
Parameter Types
You can configure one or more of the following parameter types:
Spend types—required spend types for the routing rule to be applied e.g. air, hotel
Supplier ID—unique reference of the Supplier for the routing rule to be applied e.g. airline code
Currency—required three-letter currency code for the routing rule to be applied
Country code—required two-letter country code for the routing rule to be applied
Amount threshold—value threshold for the routing rule to be applied
Activation/deactivation date—dates to create temporary, delayed or indefinite routing rules