When generating a virtual card for a supplier payment in Conferma Pay, a card deployer must always specify the maximum charge amount and validity dates to be applied to the card. If you wish to apply further controls to some or all virtual cards being generated for their supplier spend, you can set these up in Administration > Card Pools > Advanced card controls.
The advanced card controls functionality needs to be enabled at card issuer level by the Conferma team and availability of specific advanced card controls is dependent upon the card issuer.
Blocked MCG
You can use merchant controls to limit which types of merchants can charge the card. By setting one or more blocked merchant category groups, any merchant in those groups cannot charge the card.
Permitted MCG
You can use merchant controls to limit which types of merchant can charge the card. By setting one or more permitted merchant category groups, only merchants in those groups can charge the card.
Blocked range of MCCs
You can use merchant controls to limit which types of merchant can charge the card. By setting one or more blocked merchant category codes, any merchant with those codes cannot charge the card.
Permitted range of MCCs
You can use merchant controls to limit which types of merchant can charge the card. By setting one or more permitted merchant category codes, only merchants with those codes can charge the card.
Blocked card acceptor ID
You can use card acceptor ID to limit the locations where the card can be charged. By setting a blocked card acceptor ID, the card cannot be charged to that card acceptor ID.
Permitted card acceptor ID
You can use card acceptor ID to limit the locations where the card can be charged. By setting a permitted card acceptor ID, the card can only be charged to that card acceptor ID.
Single use only
Single use controls allow you to specify if you’d like the card to be restricted to a single charge or allow multiple charges by the merchant. Cards are multi-use by default.
Max authorisations
This control allows you to specify the maximum number of times a supplier can use a virtual card. The cumulative total of transactions can still not exceed the maximum charge amount applied to the card.
Budget monthly
Budget controls allow you to specify, if and when, the credit limit on the card will be reset. Applying the budget monthly control will ensure that the chosen deployment amount will be made available each month. For instance, you may want to set a card with a budget of $1,000 per month, to be active for 12 months.
You can allow card deployers to choose which advanced card controls they apply to each virtual card. Alternatively, you can create templates of combined controls for a card deployer to apply when making a supplier payment.
Select the advanced card controls you would like to make available to card deployers. If you have multiple Card Pools in Conferma, you can choose to make different controls available per Card Pool.
Advanced card control templates
If you would prefer not to ask card deployers to select which individual controls they would like to apply per supplier payment, you can create advanced card control templates for card deployers to choose from:
Click Add template.
Enter a name for the template.
Conferma will display this template name to card deployers. We recommend entering a friendly name to make it clear that the template should be used for particular supplier payments - or even specific suppliers. Select the individual advanced card control(s) you wish to apply to the template.
Advanced card control templates can also be added as mandatory data. Switching advanced card controls on in mandatory data settings for a Card Pool will make selecting an advanced card control template mandatory when creating a deployment from that Card Pool.
You can apply advanced card controls to a deployment from the new card workflow. When advanced card controls are available, you will see the icon below the card image when creating a card.
Click the icon to open the advanced card controls view.
Click Yes next to the control that you want to apply.
If you click Yes to apply a template, you will see a dropdown where you can select the template that you wish to apply.
Select the correct template and click Apply template.
You will see the details of the applied template below the card image.