The B2B platform connector allows Admin users to add a virtual card payment method to an external platform, enabling payment via a virtual card account without manually entering the details of the virtual card.
To connect Conferma Pay to an external platform, follow the instructions provided by the external platform to connect a payment solution:
Select Conferma Pay from the available options.
You will need to confirm consent before proceeding to the Conferma Online log in page to authenticate access.
Once authenticated, you can select the virtual card accounts that you want the external platform to access.
Deployments created using the B2B Platform Connector will not go through an approval process in Conferma Online. If an approval process is required, this will need to be completed in the third party platform.
Admin users can access details of connected platforms in Online via Administration > Connected platforms.
Admin users can access details of connected platforms in Online via Administration > Connected platforms.
You can use Platform search to find connected platforms. The search results display:
ID—the connection ID.
Platform name—the name of the external platform.
Creation date—the date the platform was connected.
Created by—the user that connected the platform.
Last updated—the date the platform access was last updated.
Updated by—the user that last updated the platform access.
Status—the connection status of the platform.
Select a search result to view Platform details and Recent card activity.
The Connection history allows you to search for connected platforms and view the connection history, including the user names that completed actions.
You can search by:
Platform name
Card Pool
Action date
Action types
Card Pool link created
Card Pool link deleted
Connection disabled
Connection enabled
The search results will return:
Platform ID—the connection ID.
Platform name—the name of the external platform.
Action date—the date the action was completed.
Action by—the user that completed the action.
Action type—the type of action completed.
Card Pool—the Card Pool the action was linked to.
Deployments created via the B2B connector will be displayed on the dashboard with other deployments, and will show the platform name on the Deployment details page.
Connecting to third party platforms is only available to Admin users.
Admin users will be able to manage connections to external platforms by adding and removing virtual card account access using Conferma Online.