You will only be able to create a recurring balance card if the team you are creating from supports this.
You should contact your Corporate Administrator if you cannot create recurring balance cards and you believe you should be able to.
From the app home screen, tap Create new card.
Follow the on screen instructions configured to your team, and complete each step.
From the recurring balance screen, you can select from the following:
Fixed period—the card will be available for a fixed period, you will need to set the active dates
Daily—the card will recur daily, refreshing the balance each time
Weekly—the card will recur weekly, refreshing the balance each time
Monthly—the card will recur monthly, refreshing the balance each time
Once you have selected a recurring period, select the amount of times that you want the card to recur.
Once you have completed all fields, you will see a short summary of the recurring card at the bottom of the screen.