You can view details of individual transactions in the Conferma App via Card details > Transaction.
Transactions are not available immediately for online only cards. In most cases, only settled transactions are made available once a daily transaction file is provided by the Card Issuer to Conferma Pay. This transaction data normally arrives between 48 and 96 hours after the date of the transaction.
For each transaction you will see:
Total amount—relevant to the billing currency.
Merchant amount—only displayed when it differs from the billing amount and currency.
Merchant narrative—the name of the merchant that charged the card.
Transaction date—the date the charge was processed by the merchant.
Transaction category—Conferma App transaction category group.
Spend purpose— you can add notes to the transaction for your records. This is also made available in Conferma Pay SNAP.
Transaction ID—the unique Conferma Pay platform transaction ID. This is available in snap.
Show all receipts—tap to view any receipts you have associated with the transaction.
Add new receipt —tap to upload a receipt.