When you log into the Conferma App, the homepage will display all of your active or pending cards on a carousel. Swipe right to move through this list to find the card that you need and view its status. Swipe left to move back.
Tap a card to view the details.
You will see the remaining balance of the card once you start spending.
Recurring balance cards are clearly marked with a and a card type indicator shows if a card is Online only or Contactless .
Recurring balance cards are clearly marked with a .
You will also see the Create new card button displayed here. If your Corporate Administrator has granted you the access to create your own cards, you can tap this to begin creating a card. If your Corporate Administrator has not granted you this access, when you tap the button you will see a message to confirm this.
Advanced card controls that have been set will be visible within the Card info & controls section alongside the Card control template row.